Week01: Definition current, voltage, KCL and KVL, Ohm's law; power and energy; resistor in parallel, series; dependent sources
Week02: Node analysis, mesh analysis
Week03: superposition, equivalent circuits; capacitor and inductor; intro first order circuits
Week04: transient response first order ckts; forced response; natural response
Week05: second order Ckt; Complex number; phasors; circuit analysis with complex impedance
Week06: dB, logrithmic algebra; Bode Plots; 1st order filters
Week07: freq response; Bode plots; 1st and 2nd order filter;op amp
Week08: Op Amps (amp, inverting amp, summing, differential, integrating, A/D)
Week09: Op Amp; Diode circuits (loadline analysis)
Week10: Diode circuits (rectifier, clipper, clamping, peak detector, level shift)
Week11: Semiconductor Physics
Week12: Semiconductor Physics (bandgap, doping, gauss' law and poissoin eq)
Week14: Inverters; Q-point and loadline analysis
Week15: Holidays
Week16: Binary numbers; Boolean Algebra; logic gates; MOSFET (model) |